My Story

As I child I wasn't very athletic so I didn't play any sports. But I loved to dance. I always thought I was healthy because I wasn't overweight, didn't smoke, didn't really drink. Turns out health isn't a list of things you don't do, but a list of actions that you do do.

After the births of my children, I experienced post-partum depression. The first two times I was too proud and embarrassed to seek help. It got so bad after the 3rd, that I had to. I got counseling. After the 4th I went on medication for awhile. After the 5th I went to therapy again.

I asked my midwife after the birth of my 3rd child why I still looked pregnant even though it had been several months and I had lost most of the baby weight. Nonchalantly she responded "Oh because you have diastasis recti." I learned that walking was helpful to repair it. Plus we were planning a trip to Disney later that summer and I wanted to be able to walk from the car to the entrance without getting winded, so the kids & I started taking walks every morning "to train for Disney."

That led to buying a Fitbit to track my steps which led to using the app to track my food. Upon the recommendation of my doctor to help my bloodwork numbers and mood swings, I joined a gym. When I was working out regularly I felt so much better. But with five kids and a full time job, going to the gym regularly was hard. Then Covid hit & my gym closed...permanently. After reaching my heaviest non-pregnant weight and my mood out of control, I knew that something needed to change.

Thankfully my sister recommended at-home workouts through Beachbody. First I just wanted something for rainy days because I was walking my dog on nice days. But after the first few workouts, I was hooked! I loved that there was a program that I could trust to work many muscle groups throughout my whole body. I loved the nutrition programs that made healthy eating more enjoyable. I loved the positivity and motivation of the trainers in the videos. I loved the convenience and comfort of working out at home. I loved the support and encouragement of the online accountability group. And most importantly, I loved the results I was getting. I lost about 15 pounds and over 13 inches! I could fit into my clothes again!


I've tried all the things and Beachbody is the Total Solution. It helped me & it can help you too.

So let me help you get the results you want.

Fill out the form so we can connect and help you improve your body, mind, and soul.

Me summer of 2020 - before Beachbody Me summer of 2021 - on Beachbody

Or follow me on Instagram @renee.k73